Transforming lives through education
lundi 16 septembre 2024 20:00-21:30, Virtuelles Clubhaus, Onlinemeeting auf der Internetplattform Zoom, 8000 Zoom
Conférencier(s): I am Diana Rivera, colombian Rotaractor. I studied social
communication wanting to transform the world from my field. I live with
purpose and with the goal of creating opportunities that empower people and
allow them to contribute their potential to the world.
When I was in school, one of the favorite times for
some of my classmates was to go to the computer room. They would run out of the
classroom to line up outside the room. Many of them did not have a computer at
home and their only chance to use one of these machines was at school. Schools
become a safe place for many children who do not find the minimum conditions at
home to develop at different levels. Although it may seem incredible, Colombia
still faces a digital divide where there are schools that cannot provide access
to ICTs to their students.
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