Polaris Survey - Results

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 - Saturday, February 12, 2022, Online

One year ago the new Polaris solution for Rotary & Rotaract has been introduced in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Today, more than 13,000 users organise their Rotary activities on this platform. The Polaris team conducted a survey from 14 January to 14 February 2022.

The purpose of the survey was to collect information on the use of Polaris in the clubs and on customer satisfaction one year after go-live.

  • The survey was conducted from 14 January 2022 to 14 February 2022.
  • 243 Rotarians and Rotaractors were explicitly contacted, but participation was open to all Polaris users in CH&FL.
  • The answers from 152 participants were collected
  • Chapters 1 and 2 present the summary and results of the survey.
  • The answers to the three questions as well as the comments are only presented in the attached documents as chapters 3 and 4. These two chapters have been added for completeness.


1 Summary

The most significant positive findings have been:
  • Many users (72%) use Polaris on their Smartphone
  • Polaris simplifies the organization (78%) and communication (67%) in the club
  • For tight majority (59%) of the users Polaris is easy to understand
    February 2023: The rate of use of Polaris by Rotarians is increasing and the testimonials are consistently very positive

The most significant negative findings are:
  • The administration is not intuitive and easy => usability issue
    February 2023: priority attention is given in 2022-23 to facilitate the activity of administrators, for implementation in February to May 2023
  • Involved persons change every year => usability, support & training issue
    February 2023: Training through adequate handover in the clubs, as well as support by the DICOs, is strengthened and bears fruit
  • Clubs do not know about existing features => lack of training
    February 2023: several tutorials are created by the districts, adapting to local habits in terms of club management and communication
  • Clubs still stick to Excel lists => lack of GDPR awareness
    February 2023: Polaris offers full functionality in terms of mailing lists, secure messaging and newsletters. A continuous effort is made to make them known by the clubs in order to respect the GDPR legislation.
  • Complains about strict data protection => lack of GDPR awareness
    February 2023: the GDPR is unavoidable and must be respected. Efforts are being made to make it understood and accepted by Rotarians.
  • Complains about already solved problems => lack of communication to the clubs
    February 2023: a newsletter is now sent to all clubs to communicate resolutions and news
  • Exagerated support expectations => lack of communication to the clubs
    February 2023: communication to the clubs has been strengthened on the proven chain of support clubs <> DICO <> national manager <> Team Polaris

2 Results

2.1  Participants by language

2.2 Participants by role

2.3 Used devices

2.4 Used Functions

2.5  Usability

2.6 Club Organization

2.7 Communication

2.8  Polaris Support

2.9 Answers to question 1 "I like the following feature:"

Answered by 88 participants.

2.10 Answers to question 2 "I dislike the following feature:"

Answered by 53 participants.

2.11 Answers to question 3 "I miss the following feature:"

Answered by 52 participants.


Written by 84 participants.

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