
laugardagur, 17. desember 2022

Team Polaris

Hvernig byrja ég að nota fjármálaeininguna?



A. Velja grunn breytur

B. Bókhald viðburða

C. Reikningur einstakra klúbbfélaga

C.1 AÐAL reikningur félaga ÁN sjálfvirkra viðskipta

  • Bókhaldstímabil og  tendar færslur
  • Algnengustu viðskipt á tímabili

C.2 AÐAL reikningur félaga MEÐ sjálvirkum viðskiptum


D. Yfirlit yfir reikning félaga

E. Hvernig prófar maður sig áfram með fjármálaeininguna?

F. Áætlaðar endurbætur í framtíðinni.

Grunn atriði

Eftirfarandi aðgerðir eru mögulegar í fjármálaeiningunni:

  1. tekju/gjalda-reikningur hvers atburðar í dagatalinu:
    fyrir hvern viðburð er hægt að skrá sem tekjur, útgjöld einstakra félagsmanna og gesta og útgjöld til þjónustuaðila eins og veitingahúss.

  2. Núverandi debit/kredit-reikningur hvers félaga eða annarra tengiliða klúbbs:

    Debit eins og reglubundin félagsgjöld og kredit eins og  greiðslur inn á reikning klúbbsins.

    Mögulegt er að skrá gjöld vegna klúbbfunda sjálfkrafa sem skuldfærslur

    Að öðrum kosti er hægt að virkja „matarpakkakerfi“ sem byggt er á fastri upphæð á tímabili, óháð fjölda neyttra máltíða.

    Sýnileiki: félagi getur séð reikning sinn hvenær sem er undir MÍNAR GREIÐSLUR í valmyndinni fyrir valið tímabil
    • staða í upphafi tímabils
    • debit og kredit færslur á tímabilinu
    • núverandi stöðu eða stöðu í lok tímabils.

Fjármálaeiningin er ekki bókhaldskerfi klúbbsins sem slíkt.

Svona virkjar þú viðburða- og félagareikninga

A. Veldu grunnstillingar

Undir Klúbburinn breytur > Aðrar breytur > Fjármál eru skráð sjálfgefin verð sem í boði eru þegar stofnaður er viðburður:

  • Gjaldmiðill
  • Sjálfgefið verð fyrir virka félaga, væntanlega félaga og gesti klúbbsins.
  • Sjálfgefið verð fyrir almenna gesti
  • Gjald sem félagar greiða sem hafa skráð sig en mæta ekki án þess að láta vita.

Ekki virkja aðrar breytur, notkun þeirra eru skýrðar hér neðar.

B. Viðburðaruppgjör

B.1. Þarf að gera fyrir viðburð:

Undir viðburði í dagatalinu er valinn Fjármál viðburðar hnappurinn,og smellt á Skráðu fjármál viðburðar hnappinn til að skrá:

  1. Mismunandi verð sem þarf að skrá og mögulegt „refsigjald“ fyrir þá virka félaga sem ekki mæta,
  2. Verð sem greiða þarf þjónustuaðila fyrir hvern þátttakanda s.s. veitingahúsi,
  3. Verð sem þarf að greiða þjónustuaðla fyrir skráða þátttakendur sem mættu ekki en pantaður hafði verið matur fyrir,
  4. Annar mögulegur fastur kostnaður s.s. salarleiga og þ.h.

B.2 Á meðan og eftir viðburð

  1. Skráðu mætingar félaga og gesta (með QR kóða eða hefðbundið),
  2. Innheimtið gjöld á staðnum (peningar, kort) fyrir utan virka félaga þar sem gjaldið er skráð á reikning þeirra,
  3. Yfirfarðu uppgjörið (sjá neðar) og leiðréttu ef þarf,
  4. When all attendance and expenses are in order, close the event.

ATH: Við að loka viðburðinum, virkjast mætingarskráningin í mætingarútreikningi og ef, við á, skráist gjöld á reikning viðkomandi.

Flipinn Fjármál viðburðar sýnir allar færslur viðburður og gefur þér möguleika á að yfirfara áður en viðburði er lokað.

ATH: Enduropnun lokaðs viðburðar skrás öfugar færslur á reikningum viðkomandi. Ekki eyða þeim.

C. Reikningur hvers klúbbfélaga


Til að virkja reikningskerfi einstaklinga, smelltu á Klúbburinn breytur > Aðrar breytur > Fjármál - hakaðu við Virkja fjárhagsreikning félaga 

Það gefur  hverjum virkum félaga reikning með debit-, kretid- og stöðufærslum.

Klúbburinn ákveður hversu víðtækur reikningurinn er:

  • Einn "Aðalreikningur" ÁN sjálfvirkra færslna
  • Einn "Aðalreikningur" MEРmeð sjálfvirkum debitfærslum vegna kostnaðar við viðburði
  • Annar reikingur sem kallast "Máltíð" með  með sjálfvirkum debitfærslum vegna kostnaðar við viðburði.

C.1 Individual MAIN account WITHOUT automatic entries

Only one "main" current account per member to enter the various possible accounting entries.

It is accessed via Members > Active members > Edit icon of the selected member > Financial account tab,
alternatively via Members > Active members > Financial tab > Edit icon of the selected member.

  • Debits:

    • Club admission fee for a new active member
    • Periodic membership fee
    • Compensation for absence at a statutory event
    • Donation call ...

  • Credits:

    • Payment by the member to the club bank account
    • Cash payment by the member to the treasurer
    • etc..

Each entry is created by the treasurer via the button + Add transaction

An entry requires a choice:

  • The individual account concerned, by default the Principal (the sub-account "Meal" is described later)
  • The type of entry: by default Other, and by choice the admission fee, the periodic contribution, a participation to an event (meal packages are described later)
  • The description of the entry
  • Whether it is a debit or a credit
  • The amount, which will appear in red if it is a debit
  • The accounting date, i.e. the date on which the transaction actually took place; e.g. the date of the payment into the club's bank account.

IMPORTANT: as in any accounting system, once an entry has been created it cannot be deleted.
If an entry needs to be corrected, a "reversal" is created, i.e. an entry which cancels the entry to be corrected.

The date of the transaction appearing in the first column of the current account is the date of recording by Polaris.

IMPORTANT: as in any accounting system, after its creation an entry cannot be deleted. If it is necessary to correct an entry, a reversal is created, i.e. an entry that cancels the entry to be corrected.

Accounting periods and grouped transactions

Accounting periods of 3 months, 6 months or 12 months can be decided.
From the list of members, Financial tab, the treasurer can create at the beginning of the period the fees due in a single operation for all the members, named Grouped or "en bloctransaction

Following the same model as an individual transaction, the members concerned must be selected from a multiple choice drop-down list. By default all members are pre-selected.

In the case of different subscription amounts depending on the type of active member (compulsory or exempt from attendance, exempt from subscription, etc.), as many grouped transactions are created as possible.

Most common transactions in a period

  • Debits at the beginning of the period for contributions due
  • Sending of invoices for membership fees, calls for donations, etc. by email or post, via Utility > Serial letters
  • Payments to bank accounts by members and transfer to individual accounts
  • Reminders sent by email or post via Utility > Serial letters

The advantage of the individual current accounts is that they are easily visible to members on their smartphone or laptop under NAVIGATION > MY FINANCES

C.2 Individual MAIN account WITH automatic transactions

In addition to the manual transactions, it is possible to automate the entries of the contributions of the members present at statutory and non-statutory meetings.

To do this, in Club parameters > Other parameters > Finance, activate the switch Debit event fees from member accounts

In this case only guests and visitors pay their contribution to the event on the spot, those of active club members are automatically debited from the individual member's account. These automatic debits are the event prices, but optionally also a "no-show" contribution for a member registered but absent at the event.

The automatic creation of the entries is done when the event is closed by the administrator.

Attention: the closing of an event should only be done when all the attendances are entered and verified. In case where a re-opening of the event is required to make corrections, "reversed" entries are automatically created.

Beispiele für automatische Essensbuchungen

Additional operations related to the automatic debiting of contributions to events

  • At the beginning of the period debit all individual accounts with an amount to cover part of the period's contributions, e.g. 50% of statutory meetings
  • Add the amount due to the membership fee invoice
  • At the end of the period ask members to pay the negative balance:
    • by an email referring them to their individual account
    • or by an invoice for the negative balance
  • A positive balance is carried forward naturally to the next period

C.3 Meal package system

Many clubs use a fixed-rate meal system for a pre-defined period (formerly known as the "meal ticket" system). The principle is to charge members at the beginning of the period a flat fee to cover part of the contributions to the events of the period, typically meals at weekly meetings.

Clubs using the meal plan can choose between two systems:

  • Flat rate meal package: for the given period, regardless of the number of statutory events the member attends (no balance charged or refunded)
  • Minimum meal package: members pay in advance a pre-defined fixed amount for n "meal tickets". Unused tickets are forfeited to the club and cannot be carried over to the next period, unless exceptionally authorised for a particular member. Additional meals will be charged to the member.

In both cases a second individual "Meal" account is used, from which the contributions due are automatically debited at the end of an event, instead of being debited from the member's main account.

To activate this meal package system, in Club parameters > Other parameters > Finances, activate the Use meal package switch

When creating an event, in its Event Finances tab, a switch appears activated by default for statutory events Debit Meal Package Account. If you do not want a particular event to automatically debit the "Meal" accounts, simply deactivate this switch.

The difference between the two solutions "fixed price" and "minimum price" is regulated by the difference in accounting entries at the end of the period (see below)

Second "Meal" account with automatic debit entries for contributions

For both types of meal packages, a second individual "Meal" account is used, from which the contributions due are debited automatically at the close of an event, instead of being debited from the member's main account.

In accounting terms this is:

  • At the beginning of the period to:
    • debit all "main" accounts for the meal package
    • credit all "meal" accounts with the same meal package
    • Invoice the members for the meal package, simply at the same time as the membership fees for the period

  • At the end of the period of:
    • if the flat rate is in force:
      • reduce the positive and negative balances of the "meal" accounts to zero, by making the appropriate entries
      • credit the total of the positive and negative balances in the club accounts
    • if the minimum fee is in force:
      • reduce the positive balance of the "meals" accounts to zero, by making the appropriate entries,
        and credit them in the club accounts
      • reduce the negative balance of each "meal" account to zero, by making the appropriate entries,
        and debit the member's main account by the same amount
      • ask the members to settle the negative balance:
        1. by an email referring them to their individual account
        2. or by an invoice for the negative balance

D. Pregled računa članova

The Members > Active Members > Finances page allows the treasurer to display the balances of all members as of the current date.

Display filters are available to differentiate between:

  • older members
  • members who are obliged or exempt from attendance
  • members with a negative or positive main account
  • members with a negative or positive meal account

E. Kako se adaptirati na financijski modul?

Before making the various functionalities of the finance module active for the club, it is important to experiment with them.

Note: the following experiment will create entries for the members present, and therefore visible to the members concerned in MY FINANCES. The day the club decides to activate the finance module for members, it is necessary to create zero entries for accounts that are not activated.

The suggested test steps are:

  1. Choose in the club parameters the basic functionality Activate the members' financial account
  2. Create a fictitious Other Contact, e.g. "Test Finances", and give it a user account
  3. Create entries for the various debits and credits for a quarter
  4. Check the main account settlement in the backend
  5. Verify the main account's frontend settlement by "loggin as" the member
  6. Cancel the "log n as".

  7. Select in the club settings the functionality Debit event fees from members' accounts
  8. Create for "Test Finances" presences in some events of the past (you can't put presence in the future)
    Warning: provided there are no valid entries for other members yet, the easiest way is to reopen closed events
  9. Check the main account in the backend
  10. Check the balance of the main account in the frontend by "login as" the member
  11. Cancel the "login as"

  12. Select in the club settings the Use a meal package functionality
  13. Create a "Meal package" debit in the main account and a credit in the meal plan account for "Test Finances"
  14. Create for "Test Finances" attendances in some past events (you can't put an attendance in the future)
  15. Check the main account in the backend
  16. Check the main account in the frontend by "login as" the member
  17. Cancel the "login as".

  18. Experiment also with grouped entries such as membership fees, meal packages, etc.
  19. At the end of the experiment, set the balances of all the affected accounts to zero.